Welcome to St Mary Catholic Church.
We are glad you are here!
Welcome to St Mary Catholic Church. We are glad you are here and hope you consider us your new home of worship, faith and fellowship. Please feel free to look around to learn more about our church.
5:00 PM (Vigil)
10:00 AM (English)
1:00 PM (Spanish)
9:00 AM
6:00 PM
9:00 AM
Our weekly bulletin features stewardship, daily mass readings, mass intentions and other useful church related information. Please click below to read or download the latest version.
The nights of "recollection" include Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament with opportunity for Confession and a conference based either on the writings of Saint Josemaria Escriva or the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Ladies night of recollection first Tuesday of the month 7:00-9:00pm
Men's night of recollection second Tuesday of the month 7:00-9:00pm
4:00 to 4:50 PM
9:30 to 9:50 AM
12:30 to 12:50 PM
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9:45 to 12:00 PM
6:00 AM to 5:45 PM
Eucharistic Miracles Display
May 10 – May 20
Blessed Carlos Acutis organized the information, set up a website. Deacon Vic Landa printed out and set up for us.
To foster devotion and knowledge of the Mystery of the Eucharist, the Saints, Eucharistic Revival
(pictured left to right: Peggy Burnett, Pro-Life Representative at St Mary; Julie Ladd, Fr. Orr. The Lord Jesus holding a child and the Knights of Columbus flag are in the background. To the lower left is the Knights monument to the unborn at St. Mary. Photo by Cecilia Aparicio-Rascon 24 April, 2020.)
The Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative aims to help abortion-minded women to choose life by viewing their unborn children on ultrasound machines. Lawrence Roussell Council 8396, Athens, TN, with help from a pious benefactor pooled monies raised from pancake breakfast with a matching grant from the Supreme Council Culture of Life Fund to buy a new Esaotate MyLabSigma ultrasound machine with both 2D and 3D capability for the Full Circle Medical Center for Women in Athens. Full Circle Medical Center for Women has a strong Christian ethos, not only concerning the dignity and worth of all life, born and unborn, but also venerates the Holy Trinity, the inspired Word of God found in Sacred Scripture together with other core beliefs enumerated in their “Statement of Faith.”
Following a State Council Meeting of the Knights of Columbus in Tennessee in May of 2018 Pat Schwartz made initial contact with Julie Ladd. Julie Ladd serves as the executive director of the Full Circle Medical Center from Women in Athens. In the Fall of 2020 Father John Arthur Orr, Pastor of Saint Mary Catholic Church in Athens was made aware of the need for a new ultrasound machine by Orville Fisher of All Saints Council 15706, Knoxville.
Father Orr was able to coordinate with Lou Dionne, Grand Knight and Pat Schwartz, Council Faith Director and Faithful Navigator of Assembly 3680 on the initiative. Diocese of Knoxville Vice Chancellor for Administration Paul Simoneau, signed off on the project on 25 February, 2020. When State Deputy Michael R McCusker signed off on the project on 5 March, 2020, he commented that while the average has been one ultrasound machine purchased by the Knights every five years in Tennessee, this may be the sixth machine this year.
The new ultrasound machine should arrive from Italy in early May and will be up and running very soon, providing a window to the womb.
johnarthurorr@att.net (Father Orr)
julie@fullcircleforwomen.org (Julie Ladd)
ricevillelou@aol.com (Lou Dionne)
yestolifenapa@gmail.com (Orville Fisher)